From COVID-19 to climate change, the world may feel a bit scary right now. But it’s also a great time to be optimistic about the future — and everything your generation can do to shape it.

1. We will slowly reconnect with the world again
With a global vaccination rollout taking place, industries will slowly reopen and travel restrictions lift. A world full of opportunities and challenges awaits.
2. We are becoming more sustainable
A shift in our behaviour is taking place as we speak — we are better educated, more aware, and better incentivised to take action towards a sustainable future.
3. Companies care more about climate change and reducing their carbon footprint
Increasingly, industry leaders are trying to tackle climate change by committing to carbon neutrality or “net-zero” by 2030.
4. The job skills of tomorrow are more relevant than ever
Analytical thinking, active learning, emotional intelligence, originality, creativity and flexibility are among the top 10 skills of the future. Which ones are you building on?
5. COVID-19 has further destigmatised “job-hopping”
Not being afraid to switch jobs. Taking risks to attain better pay or better workplace conditions. Searching to find what fits you best. These practices are becoming the new norm.
6. Diversity & inclusion matters
The business case for both gender diversity and ethnic and cultural belonging is strong. Research has shown that the most diverse workplaces are now more likely than ever to outperform their peers in all aspects. But it is not just about bathroom policy and HR; a culture change is afoot to ensure everyone can bring their best, most authentic selves to work.
7. Technology is making knowledge share, new skills and even public services cheaper and more accessible than ever
But — we’ve also got a responsibility to question how technology is designed, developed and used to enhance our professional and personal lives. With technology use and design among the top job skills of the future, your generation has an opportunity to disrupt and shape the tech industry. Challenge accepted?
8. Mental health is (finally) part of the conversation
The pandemic has highlighted the ongoing decline in young people’s mental health, making it part of an ongoing conversation. Acknowledging it is the first step, but identifying sustainable ways to address it is the way forward.
While the challenges are many, the world remains full of endless possibilities. Keep looking up.